Edith Gonzalez


Dec 09

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Dec 07

If there is one word that I can resonate with, it is perseverance. Perseverance is the steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. I am perseverant and I think that is because I’m stubborn and hard headed. It isn’t easy to influence me […]

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Nov 21

So in our 8th class we had to sit with our assigned teams and conquer a scavenger hunt that had 7 stops. Some stops were where we could go to get answers to questions, one that taught us about the honors program, one that taught us about free tutoring and so forth. At every stop […]

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Nov 21

So in class seven we basically got down to the nitty gritty of our values. We had to pick 3 values that resonate with ourselves and then brainstorm examples that illustrate each value which is when I was the most engaged during this class because I got to really think about the values that actually […]

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Nov 08

  Class 6 was quite the adventure for me. So before class, I had to do my group presentation with my peers for the CICC leaders. It all went smoothly, I think and I’m just glad it’s over with because I hate public speaking and being a freshmen tying to impress these upperclassmen is not […]

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Nov 03

For class 5,we had upperclassmen help us out with possible elective classes. I was the most engaged when the upperclassmen were helping us pick electives for the rest of the year because I was able to get help from someone who is majoring with the major I am interested in and I learned what classes […]

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Nov 03

For class 4, we learned about different learning styles. I was most engaged during seminar when Devon was describing his studying method to us because he seems to really know exactly what he wants in life and has his study habits on lock. His studying method was studying for 50 minutes then taking 10 minutes […]

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Oct 21

Week three in BBL we first started off by listening to a video called “I love my ducks (return of the quack) supwitchugirl” thanks to Jen in an attempt to pump us up for our group projects. It was more amusing than anything but none than less, I like starting class off with a silly […]

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Oct 17

For the second week of Building Business Leaders, Andrew was our instructor for the day. The first assignment we had to do was complete the task of counting how many stairs there are in the Lillis Business Complex and we had a time limit of 10 minutes. This part of the class was what I […]

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Oct 17

Walking into my first BBL class I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but I right away was able to tell that I had found my second family there. Everyone was so inviting  & it’s rare to find that at “home” feeling at such a big school so I knew right then and there this […]

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